Advanced Korean Grammar 겠거니 하다

겠거니 하다 is used to show that a logical assumption has been made. 
It can be used in the beginning of a sentence to show that one did something based off this assumption
다른 팀원들이 지정된 일을 하겠거니 하고 퇴근했는데 다음 날에 출근했더니 아무것도 안 했더라고요. 
I left work thinking the other team members would do their parts but went I in the next day I found out they didn’t do anything. 
It can also be used at or near the end of the sentence to show that based off some observations you made some assumption.
음악계 전문가들에게 큰 극찬을 받은 앨범이라 좋겠거니 했어요. 
Since the album was highly acclaimed by industry experts, I assumed it would be good. 
첫 번째 책이 좋아서 두번째 책도 좋겠거니 했는데 별로였어요.
I assumed that I would like the second book as well since I liked the first one but it wasn’t all that good. 

Advanced Korean Grammar 게끔

게끔 is used to show your purpose for doing something. It’s similar to 도록, 있도록, 게.


더 좋은 발전된 모습을 보일 수 있게끔/도록  열심히 노력하겠습니다. I’ll work hard to show a more improved side of myself.  I’ll try to work to be a better person.

You’ll definitly hear phrases similar to this if you are into Korean media/entertainment. I see a lot of idols/celebrities say it during their closing comments in general or when they are accepting awards to show that they will continue to get better or improve or to show that they will rectify their actions when they have been caught up in some scandal.

Purpose/Reason+게끔+actions the subject will or has taken to achieve the desired result/result/command/recommendation

생일 파티를 오빠 알지 못하게끔 비밀로 했는데도 들켰어요.
We kept the birthday party a secret so he wouldn’t know but he found out anyway.

제가 말이 들르게끔 그만 좀 떠들어요.
Stop talking so you can hear what I’m saying.

신분 격차가 제거될 수 있게끔 더욱공평한 정책을 내려야 한다.
We must produce more fair policies so status disparities can be eliminated.

Advanced Korean Grammar 건마는

건마는/ 건만 shows that the actions in the following statement happens in spite of whatever happens in the first statement or is the complete opposite of what you would expect to happen.
그는 머리가 좋건만 시험을 잘 못 보는 편이다. 
He’s really smart but is rather bad at taking tests. 
제가 많이 일하건마는 돈을 별로 안 벌어요.
Despite working a lot I don’t make a lot of money. 
그녀는 연습실에서 춤을 완벽하게 추건만 무대위에선 실수하기 만해요. 
She dances perfectly at practice but when she’s on stage all she does is mess up. 

Advanced Korean Grammar 건대

건대 is often used with words like 생각하다, 보다, 바라다, 듣다 느끼다,  to show to the listener that the following statement is based off what the speaker has seen, heard, felt, thought about etc…
My examples:
내가 듣건대 윈러라는 그룹이 곧 데뷔할 거라고 한다 . 
I have heard that a group named “Winner” is going to debut soon.
내가 보건대 실험이 계속되면 안 될 것 같다. 
Based off what I have seen this experiment shouldn’t continue. 
제가 원하건대 그 일을 다시는 꺼내지 마세요.
I want you to never bring that up again./ I would like it if you never brought that up again. 

Advanced Korean Grammar 거들랑

거들랑 is used when you want to demonstrate that an action should only take place under a certain conditions so it is used with commands  or suggestions. This grammar point is similar to 거든.

My examples:

과제를 다 했거들랑 퇴근하세요. If you have finished the project go ahead and leave.

편의점에 가겠거들랑 과자 좀 사다 주세요.  If you’re going to the store please get me some cookies.

감기에 걸렸거들랑 회사에 나가지 말고 집에 있으세요. If you’re sick don’t go to work just stay home.